
Dump this practice! Part II

Read Dump this Practice I When I see haltered horses in a field I cringe and then make two presumptions: Their owner can’t “catch” them. It’s only a matter of time before those horses hurt themselves. Catchability: Good owners invest time working with their horses […]

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Dump this practice! Part I

The practice of cross-tying and using halters in the pasture are two good ways to hurt a horse and two of my pet peeves. First, crossties: Steady, well-trained horses give to pressure. But it’s stressful for a horse to give to pressure only to run […]

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ISES and Learning Theory

The International Society for Equitation Science is to be applauded for espousing science-oriented work with horse care and management. Drs. Paul McGreevy and Andrew McLean are integral figures at ISES. McGreevy is a past president. McLean is the current one. They’re two Australian professors steeped […]

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Wayne Channon and Welcome ISES, part I

If you have your ear to the rail, you know that the horse world is about to be showered with science. Drenched even. Folks are looking more and more to research for verdicts on everything from rein tension to hay soaking. What station is your […]

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Evidence-Based Horsemanship Seminar Offered

Pretty excited about the Evidence-Based Horsemanship seminar May 4-6. The seminar will give students an excellent opportunity to get immersed in the topic and absorb what is, in my mind, the most helpful, most beneficial work being offered right now in the horse world. Peters […]

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Horses and Weather, Part B

Read Part A here. There’s a quiet shift in horse circles. More and more people are asking for scientific proof to support what works – from supplements to bit use to conditioning – good science is helping supply answers to our questions. Just like radar […]

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Welcome to BHP Blog!

Information on the Internet is like that table of magazine in the doctor’s waiting room. Most of us thumb through entertainment rags and look at pictures. That’s the stuff on top. The stuff on top, regardless of its real worth, stays on top. Medical journals, […]

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Three Chicks, Two Horse Heads

Thanks to the work of two talented women, BestHorsePractices is no longer just domain name that I bought last year. All my scribbles, scattered files, and multicolored posterboard diagrams have become a real live website. I owe a huge public thanks to web designer, Suze […]

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Getting to ‘Nature Knows Best’

We all like affirmation. It’s that virtual pat on the back. It’s that positive feeling you get when you find an outside source to confirm your beliefs. It’s especially rewarding when it comes amidst the pressure of opposing views. In horse terms, it’s a lip-licking […]

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