We asked a few contributors for their favorite reads of 2016. Here’s what they picked:
Emily Luciano, occasional guest columnist and director of Lucky Dee Communications

Emily Thomas Luciano
Amy Skinner, frequent guest columnist and owner of Essence Horsemanship

Amy Skinner
Katrin Silva’s feature on contact
Use Mental not Mechanical Gear
Creating Self Confidence in your Horse
Julie Kenney, Focus on Fitness guest columnist
Amy Skinner on Education versus Learning

Julie Kenney
Katrin Silva’s feature on contact
Amy Skinner’s Drop Rotten Routines article
Amy Skinner’s Pitfalls of Training article
Dr. Steve Peters, author Evidence-Based Horsemanship and occasional guest columnist:

Steve Peters
Mustang Emergency and How We Got Here
Use Mental not Mechanical Gear
Another Call against Cross Ties