Episode 23: Susan Kauffmann

Listen to Episode 23

Kauffmann is the co-author with Christina Cline of The Essential Hoof Book: The Complete Modern Guide to Horse Feet – Anatomy, Care and Health, Disease Diagnosis and Treatment. Trust me – despite the mouthful of a title, this is a wonderfully accessible book.

Kauffmann and Cline will present at the Best Horse Practices Summit in Lexington in October. That’s the super fun and enlightening conference that I direct and where Jec is also presenting.

Anyway, here, Susan explains how tragically common hoof problems are and how unnecessary they are.  What develops in the feet has everything to do with how we keep our horses, what we feed them, how they are able (or not) to move freely. There is one helpful insight after another in this short interview and I was so happy to produce it.

Visit Susan’s website, The Essential Horse.

Oh, and how lucky are y’all — We’re giving away copies of The Essential Hoof Book in the e-book version to two lucky listeners. Super easy to enter: just comment below or sign up for our weekly newsletter.

We would like to thank our fantastic family of sponsors for their support, especially our new sponsor, Pharm Aloe Equine!

Patagonia WorkWear

Kate’s Real Food


Redmond Equine

Listen to Episode 23

Posted in BestHorsePractices Summit, Podcast, Reviews and Links.


  1. I have her book so no need to enter me. I just wanted to say how wonderful an education it provides, I refer to it all the time.

  2. If not to late to enter would love to win the book – have two horses with lameness issues 🙁 and am at a loss as to how to help them.

  3. I’ve had this book on my wish list. Great podcast, it made me want it even more. Sounds like such a great book full of useful information.

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