
Looking back, looking ahead

2013 was a heckuva year for NickerNews and BestHorsePractices. It started last winter with a bang. Two bangs, actually. The first came with NickerNews’ nomination for Best Blog in the Equestrian Social Media Awards. The ESMAs featured an international field with most bloggers commercially backed. […]

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First Trail Ride, Part II

The first trail ride with the mule proceeded after she gave me a few bucks and raced towards trees and our fence. (Thank you, trees and fence for stopping us.) Read Part I. Steve and Comet were crucial riding partners. They rode ahead and blocked […]

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Firefighters save horses from icy pond

One of the things I learned while being certified in Large Animal Rescue: Us horse owners are often more hindrance than help in a large animal emergency of the technical sort. Take the dramatic rescue of two horses who fell through the ice recently: Had […]

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Staying fit for you and your horse

We’re active. Most of us horsemen and women get plenty of exercise just taking care of our barnful. Hay tossing, water lugging, and riding add up to being Farm Fit. Some may be Gym Fit, too, toning and sweating in a more formal setting. Read […]

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ESMA voting now open!

NickerNews and BestHorsePractices have been nominated in two categories of this year’s global Equestrian Social Media Awards. NickerNews is up for Best Blog. (We were Best Blog finalists last year!) BestHorsePractices is entered in the social media Newcomer category. Together, the two sites have brought […]

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Choosy Horses Choose This Salt

Since we’ve partnered with Redmond Equine, many readers have received complimentary products like Redmond Rock salt. One lucky Mainer used some simple experimentation to find out which one her horses preferred, Redmond Rock or Himalayan salt. She writes: “ I hung the Redmond Rock right […]

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Herd dynamics change with terrain

The horses’ new pasture is a stark contrast to their flat and fertile plot in Iowa. Here, it’s up and down and thick with juniper and scrub oak. Interestingly, their herd behavior has changed with the territory. As sight lines have diminished, they’re sticking closer […]

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A Student of the Horse

Among the students at this weekend’s Evidence-Based Horsemanship seminar was 20-year old college student, Fred Holcomb. Holcomb doesn’t just have a passing interest in horsemanship and equine science. The Davidson College junior is one of the few to pair his passion for horses with an […]

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When Grazing Doesn’t Come Naturally

I reached a new milestone with the mule yesterday. It had nothing to do with riding or saddling or lateral flexion, although we’ve made great strides in those areas. At first glance, this milestone might be considered a non-event in comparison. It involved the simple […]

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Cool Mule News

That look Jolene gives me? It’s not one of stubbornness, it’s one of smarts. Imagine my delight in reading the recent findings of a British study with horses, donkeys, and mules. To summarize in three words: Mules reign supreme. [Jolene, if you’re reading this, I’m […]

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