Buck the Trend, a Mental Health Forum

Under the auspices of the Best Horse Practices Summit, Buck the Trend is a pilot project developed by Maddy Butcher to address the mental health challenges specific to cowboys, trainers, farriers, and others in the horse community. It is founded on the idea that a small, peer-focused group, hosted in a safe, relaxed setting, and led by experienced mental health professionals, is an effective way to nurture conversations, build skills, and affect positive change.

It is funded in part by a grant from the LOR Foundation and has the generous support of Patagonia WorkWear.

It will be held in mid-February, 2024, in Mancos, Colorado, and facilitated by KD Bryant and Joseph Prekup, two experienced therapists familiar with our community.

Read more about the intersection of mental health, best practices, and horses here.


The problem:

Many of us have acknowledged that our work can be isolating and demanding and that there are cultural, logistical, economic, and social impediments to getting help and being well.

Our mental health and wellness impact not just us, but those around us, including family, friends, coworkers, and, of course, the animals.

Horses may be “therapeutic.” They can make us feel better. But they can’t necessarily help us build skills to navigate interpersonal relationships and feel better about ourselves.

The solution:

This forum is focused on skill-building and elevating the mental health conversation in our community. It’s an opportunity to focus on ourselves for a moment, so that we can enhance and improve what’s around us (specifically, the well-being of those close to us, humans and non-humans alike, as well as the greater horse community).

If you would like to be involved or support Buck the Trend, please contact us.



Thanks to graphic designer, Jody Chapel, we have the opportunity to elevate this project with some unique branding. Help us choose the design that will travel with Buck the Trend virtually, on paper, t-shirts, and other mediums.

Which logo do you like?
















Posted in Clinicians, Health, Mental Health, Podcast.

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