The Best Horse Practices Summit Schedule:
(Please be patient as this schedule is subject to minor changes. Details and links coming soon.)
Sunday, October 8, 4-9 pm:
Welcome Reception and Sign In
Join us at the historic Strater Hotel to sign in and pick up your welcome bag. Mix and mingle with other registrants and BHPS presenters for drinks (cash bar) and appetizers in the Strater’s Pullman Room.
Food and beverages served from 5-7 pm.
At this time, you will sign up for Summit electives: Rider Fitness session (Monday am), Healthy Rider Brain presentation (Monday am), the Horse Brain dissection (Tuesday am), and the field trip to view the model wild horse herd in Disappointment Valley (Wednesday, all day).
Monday, October 9:

The Summit will be held at the Strater Hotel and nearby fairgrounds
Morning Academic presentations at the historic Strater Hotel
7-8 am Elective – Rider Fitness with David Stickler in the Pullman Room. Come ready to move and the only session for which jeans and boots is not appropriate attire (sweats are best). Limit to 60.
7-8 am. Elective – Healthy Rider Brain talk with Dr. Steve Peters in the Strater Theater.
8:30 -9:15 am – Keynote Address with Wendy Williams, “Can Horses Read? It depends on what you mean” a multi-media presentation by NY Times best-selling author.
9:30-11 am – Dr. Steve Peters and Martin Black present Evidence Based Horsemanship, a multi-media presentation that delves into neuroanatomy and neurochemistry with narrated video of practical experiences.

Dr. Sheryl King
11:15 – 12:30 – Dr. Sheryl King – “Choices and Consequences: How even simple management decisions impact horse behavior and health,” a smart, practical guide to identifying right’s and wrong’s in equine management.
Lunch break
Trade Show open
Presenters available for visiting
12:30 – 1:30 pm – Grab your specially prepared, gourmet boxed lunch provided by the Strater Hotel and mosey to the LaPlata Fairgrounds pavilion.
Afternoon Arena Presentations
LaPlata County Fairground Pavilion
2 – 3:30 pm – Jim Thomas – “Molding Your Horse: How Horsemen are Master Potters” Demonstration with riders, Part I.
4 – 5:30 – Warwick Schiller – “How we can create adjustable, willing, relaxed and responsive horses without force” Demonstration with riders, Part I
We Head Back to the Strater!
Strater Hotel Theater

Bryan Neubert
6-9 pm – Dorrance Legacy Dinner. Fabulous Strater Hotel meal followed by an evening with Randy Rieman and Bryan Neubert as they honor and recall the tutelage of Bill and Tom Dorrance, brothers who are widely considered forefathers of good horsemanship today. Rieman and Neubert worked extensively with the Dorrances and their experiences left indelible marks on their lives and horse work.
Tuesday, October 10
Morning Academic presentations at the historic Strater Hotel
Strater Theater
7-8 am Elective: Horse Brain dissection with Dr. Steve Peters. An incredibly unique opportunity to see the inner workings of a horse’s brain.
8:30 -10 am – Dr. Robert Bowker, “The Horse’s Foot: Gateway to the Entire Horse” Bowker will explain how an intimate understanding of the horse’s hoof will, in turn, lead to more appropriate handling and rehabilitation of the whole horse.
10:30- noon – Dr. Gerd Heuschmann – Biomechanics in riding disciplines, cultures and training principles. An eye-opening, multi-media presentation.
Lunch break
12:30 – 1:30 – Grab your specially prepared, gourmet boxed lunch provided by the Strater Hotel and mosey to the LaPlata Fairgrounds pavilion.
Trade Show open

LaPlata Country Fairgrounds
Presenters available for visiting
Afternoon Arena Presentations
LaPlata Fairground Pavilion
1 – 230 – Warwick Schiller, “How we can create adjustable, willing, relaxed and responsive horses without force” Demonstration with riders, Part II
3-430 – Jim Thomas– “Molding Your Horse: How Horsemen are Master Potters” Demonstration with riders, Part II
We Head Back to the Strater!
6-9 pm, Strater Hotel Theater. Farewell Reception
We remember our time together, celebrate highlights, and visit for the last time. With a special meal by the Strater Hotel staff and closing messages from the director and presenters.
Trade Show open
Presenters available for visiting and autographs.

Spring Creek Basin wild horse. Photo by TJ Holmes
Elective Field Trip to Disappointment Valley, hosted by mustang advocate TJ Holmes.
8 am, Meeting in Durango Transit Center parking lot, 250 W 8th St.
Details to follow.
Hi Maddy,
Looking forward to the Summit!
Is there any way to create a calendar downloadable for cellphones? That way, most people would have the agenda at their fingertips. Just a thought.
Best Regards,
Julie Rogers
Great suggestions, Julie.
We’ll try to make this happen!
So disappointed that we didn’t know about the optional trip to the wild horse area on Wed. until after we had made our trip arrangements and booked our flight. We would have loved to do that too.
We’re sorry, too, Bonnie. As a first-year conference, we’ve tried to push all events out as soon as we can confirm our offerings. Thanks and see you soon!