A note from BHPS Director Maddy Butcher:

Maddy Butcher and Amy Skinner
It’s been 23 days since the first Best Horse Practices Summit wrapped up with a boisterous Farewell Reception in Durango’s historic Strater Hotel.
Attendees, presenters, board members, and volunteers have all been able to let their hair down and get back to “real life.”
Real life for this rookie director came in the form of getting horseback, visiting with friends, and cleaning up (we hosted seven Summiteers at our house) and catching up on sleep. I spent three blissful days camping with my horses in the backcountry of the San Juan National Forest, sleeping 10 hour nights and riding 10 miles a day.

San Juan National Forest — ahh!
Real life is also continuing what we started with this exciting new event. In the last few weeks, the board and steering committee have been working diligently to frame our future and secure a strong foundation for moving forward.
I’m thrilled to say, “yes!” There will be a 2nd annual Best Horse Practices Summit. We’ll share details with you as soon as we can.
Again, a HUGE thanks goes out to the incoming and outgoing board and steering committee members as well as our sponsors and volunteer team. Y’all rock.
Check out this Thank You flyer here.
Next week, we will share a Best Horse Practices Summit trailer, developed by our audio/video team at Soulfolle Creative.
As I was dropping off our last Summit house guest, I got a big chuckle out of what looked to be a rock, set on the curb at the Durango airport. It was a Redmond equine salt rock! I can only imagine that a Summit attendee – wanting very much to take the salt back home to her horse – had to sadly set it aside because her bag was over the weight limit.
We heard from Jacky Davies about it: That lump of rock salt wasn’t mine… But it could have been! When we were at the airport and my luggage weighed over the limit, so I had to remove my rock.
The lady at security asked “I hope you don’t mind me asking, what was that rock? I have seen quite a few come through today.” We laughed and we explained what it was and where it came from. She had not heard that the Summit was happening, but she was very interested to hear all about it.
Was it you who left the rock?
If so, contact us here, tell us your story, and we’ll mail you another one.
Happy trails and stay in touch!
Yay! I’m SO happy there will be another summit. I’m truly happy to volunteer and help with anything in my wheelhouse… GREAT JOB MADDY! Thank you.
Woohoo to a 2nd annual Summit!! Can’t wait to see what’s in store.
“Yay” for the inaugural Summit closure and to a second one in 2018 to look forward to. Cannot wait to see what’s in store for next year’s event!!