The Best Horse Practices Summit had several bits of excellent news this week.
Two more sponsors stepped forward to join the excitement of the two-and-a-half day conference in Durango, Colorado this October. Lucerne Farms of Maine comes on board as a Session Sponsor. We are especially pleased with Lucerne’s support because the Maine company, based in Easton and Fort Fairfield, fits our values and mindset to a T: a small company with a high quality product that’s great for owners and their equines. As a Session Sponsor, it joins Darn Tough and Redmond Equine — good company, for sure!
EcoLips, producer of organic lip balm made of edible ingredients and based in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, has come on board, too. Expect a yummy spearmint lip balm in every registrant’s swag bag!
Dr. Petra Sullwold has come on board as a Patron Sponsor.
Welcome Dr. Sullwold and see you in October!
Sullwold is certified by the International Veterinary Chiropractic Association. We love that she enjoys bolstering her work with current research. Indeed, her website lists scores of research pages. Read more here.
Early Bird Registration is now open!
We’ve nearly sealed our fabulous roster of presenters with the addition of Dr. Robert Bowker and Dr. Gerd Heuschmann.
These two men, renowned for their research-based look at horse wellness (of hooves and head, respectively) will undoubtedly increase the buzz around the inaugural Summit which already has registrants coming from Maine, Vermont, Arizona,

Dr. Robert Bowker
California, Texas, and Colorado.
For years, Dr. Bowker led the Equine Foot Laboratory at Michigan State University as it charted the adaptive mechanisms of the equine foot.
His work has focused on the physiological function of the equine foot and has resulted in new recommendations that are leading to relief of navicular syndrome and other chronic foot ailments.
We will be excited to learn more about Bowker’s research and its implications for riders, owners, and (most importantly) horses. As stated by MSU, Bowker’s research supports “a wholly different theory of how the equine foot responds to ground impact. His research has focused on blood flow to and from the hoof, and the role it plays in energy dissipation.”

Dr. Gerd Heuschmann
If you’ve heard of the rollkur debate, you’ve heard of Dr. Heuschmann. The German veterinarian and author fueled the fire under the International Equestrian Federation in 2007 by releasing the now best-selling book, Tug of War: Classical versus “Modern” Dressage. He tours internationally.
Equine chiropractor Dr. Petra Sullwold and dressage instructor Petra Beltran, pictured below, are two of many riders who we predict with be thrilled to hear his presentation.