I’m feeling pretty pleased that here we are at Episode 30. Thirty! It was about a year ago when Jec and I first started bouncing around the idea of a podcast. We were decidedly not interested in just throwing one out there for the heck of it or having it be a gab session or a chance to share just our own deal and our own little opinions. Nope, we wanted to be careful with it.

Katrin Silva will present at the BHPS this fall
What followed was many phone sessions and emails to map out how it would look and to basically shape a mission. I’m a big fan of missions or mission statements. They allow an initial vision to become concrete without being too rigid. Think rubber concrete.
A goal without a plan is just a wish, so we planned and mapped and bounced around ideas.
This podcast is still, as ever, a work in progress and we always always welcome your suggestions and comments.
So thank you listeners. You rock. Like we’ve said before, contact us with suggestions, comments, questions — We are looking forward to tackling one suggestion from Marika in Washington State on paddock design and horse health. Great tip, Marika!
This milestone episode is a Coaches’ Corner with Jec, Amy Skinner, and Katrin Silva. They have a lot to say about the state of horse shows.

Amy Skinner will present at the BHPS this fall
Are they good for you?
Are they good for your horse?
Are they good for the horse industry?
Yes. No. Maybe. It depends. If you compete regularly, this conversation will interest you. If you don’t compete, it’ll interest you, too. Did you know it was National Week of Conversation? Wahoo! Let’s do some listening folks and show courage over contempt!
We thank Pharm Aloe Equine and Lucerne Farms for their continued support. Pharm Aloe offers aloe pellets and gel and other products to support horses’ GI health, immune system, and other processes. When you are looking for aloe products, the high quality and effectiveness of active ingredients are really important. Pharm Aloe’s got that in spades.
Lucerne Farms is a forage company based in Northern Maine. Lucerne has an array of products, with timothy or alfalfa or timothy and alfalfa, with a touch of molasses, or not, for feeding your horses. Feeding forage is wwaayy better than feeding grain. That’s research based, but of course, your horses will tell you, too. Also, check out Koop Clean for your chickens.
We would also like to thank Redmond Equine, Kate’s Real Food and Patagonia WorkWear for their continuing support. Please follow these brands and buy their stuff as they support us and what we’re doing. This month, we’re giving away a Patagonia WorkWear item to two lucky listeners.