We offer these shows for free. If you think it’s worthy of a small contribution, we sure would appreciate it.
This is Episode 11 of Season 4 and in it, Jec interviews Dr. Doug Thal, owner of Thal Equine, a veterinary practice and Santa Fe, New Mexico. Doug was tapped to present a great topic at the Best Horse Practices Summit one year ago, but came down with Covid just prior to our event. He and I have had a lot of conversations around what vets need to know, especially around horsemanship, and, what horse owners need to know to be better owners and to be able to communicate best with their vets. I was so looking forward to his presentation but here, in this interview about the vet shortage crisis, Doug gets into this a bit.
Check out his app, Horse Side Vet Guide.
Thanks to our title sponsor, Lucerne Farms, producers of quality forage feeds, extremely handy and healthy bales of alfalfa, timothy, and grass blends. A great addition or substitute for your hay or grass and way better than grain. Check them out at lucernefarms.com.

Can you take a pulse?
Also, thanks to Skratch Labs, makers of hydration drinks and snacks for athletes. I especially like their chocolate milk, which is great after a hard, long ride. Yes, heat it up and make hot cocoa, by all means. Use besthorse25 for 25 percent off your order.
Whenever I see horses on TV, handled by newbies, most in the Netflix show Sex Education, I cringe. But then I think about the enormous learning curve that people have coming to horse work, horsemanship. And there is always more to learn. When I think of how little I knew when I was riding and taking care of horses as a girl, I’m astonished more bad stuff didn’t happen. In working with my young horses now, I’m astonished at how much more I need to learn and be confident about.
Do you have stuff in your truck? Have you had moments of steep learning curves? Tips for fellow horse owners? We would love to hear from you.
Here are articles to check out:

Coming soon, a sage green hat with dark green bound edge
We thank Sampson Moss and his business, Prairie Wind Hat Works for the generous sponsorship. Sampson makes custom hats from his place in Pincher Creek, Alberta. I am extremely excited to receive a hat I ordered a few months ago. It’s sage green, has a three and a half inch brim trimmed out with dark green bound edge. When I get it, I’ll post pics. You can order one today and have it by the holidays.
Thanks to Redmond Equine and Pharm Aloe – for generously sponsoring our podcast. Check out Pharm Aloe’s aloe pellets which you can simply sprinkle on your horse’s feed and Redmond’s Rock on a Rope which you can simply hang on a fence. We think you’ll love ‘em.
Also thanks to Patagonia WorkWear for their continued support. Patagonia just came out with a hemp tool bag that is awesome for tack and barn stuff, from hoof picks to brushes, sprays, and hobbles. It is reversable so the many pockets can live on the inside or outside. The hemp was grown in the US and the bag was sewn in the US. AND…we are giving away two of them! Give us feedback, suggest a topic or guest, or make a donation and you’ll be automatically entered to win one of two free Patagonia WorkWear items that we give away every month. Don’t forget that Redmond Equine is sending a complimentary syringe of Daily Gold Stress Relief to everyone who drops a tip in our donation jar. Pretty cool and a $15 value. If you get something of value from our podcast, please consider making a donation. We sure would appreciate it.