Amy watches a student
Editor’s Note: Amy Skinner is a regular guest columnist and has been a horse gal since age six. She will present an arena demonstration with fellow trainer and rider, Katrin Silva, at the Best Horse Practices Summit.
She rides and teaches dressage and Western. Skinner has studied at the Royal Andalusian School of Equestrian Art in Spain, with Buck Brannaman, Leslie Desmond, Brent Graef, and many others. Visit her site here.
Buy her book, To Catch a Horse: Finding the Heart of your Horsemanship here.
Read 5 Steps to Getting Back on Track, Amy’s follow-up to this article.
Amy writes:
Unfortunately, toxic trainer-student interactions are part of the horse world. These teachers tout themselves as experts and are often idolized. My colleague, Jec Ballou, calls the phenomenon ‘guru worship.’
Sometimes people realize they experienced a toxic trainer after they’ve left, with their confidence shattered. Others don’t know they are in this type of relationship and explain or defend the trainer’s behavior.
How do you know you have a toxic trainer?
Here are some signs:
1. They don’t allow or encourage questions.
A good trainer will encourage questions of all kinds. One who is confident in their work will not feel threatened by questions, and will be able to explain their motives, methods and choices. If asking why they chose to do something brings out an attack, or if asking about different methods makes them angry, you might have a toxic trainer.
2. They berate, insult, ignore, or flirt with you.
If your teacher puts you down, makes an example of you, or treats you inappropriately, it’s time to let them go.
3. They don’t listen when you talk. They interrupt you or seem to forget simple details about you or your horse, even after repeated lessons. They have mysterious amnesia and deny saying or doing bad things they did.
If you’ve been going to lessons week after week and they can’t remember basic details about you or your horse, it’s pretty clear they aren’t paying attention. One of the best teachers I’ve had can remember not only the details about my horse, but some of the jokes I made years back at the first clinic I attended. And I only see them once a year. This makes it clear to me, that they pay attention when I talk, and have an invested interest in my growth.
I don’t expect anyone to remember my horses’ name or even my name, but if I’ve been going frequently to lessons, I’d expect a good teacher to remember what we’ve worked on, where we are at in our progress, and other details.
If they steer you onto the wrong path and you mention that it didn’t work, or worse, that it got you hurt, and they deny ever having steered you that way, it’s time to leave. Toxic people don’t take responsibility or apologize.
4. You feel like you must have the right horse breed, tack, or clothes to be accepted.
If your teacher has disparaging things to say about your horse, your equipment, and makes you feel like you need to have what they have to be good, it might be time to reconsider.
Personally, I’m drawn to certain breeds and I like certain tack, but I don’t expect my students to be clones of me. As long as their equipment fits, works well, and doesn’t cause pain, I like them to use whatever they like.
Although a small disclaimer: If you are seeking to be competitive in certain disciplines, some breeds are better at these jobs than others. If you just want a happy partnership, any horse can improve. If you want to go to the Olympics in dressage, a Tennessee Walker might not get you there (Although who am I to say that that horse couldn’t be fabulous?)
5. They don’t have anything good to say about your horse.
If they insult your horse, call them stupid, stubborn, untalented, please leave. Your horse is beyond their ability if they are insulting them. What you should really hear is: “I feel unconfident to help your horse.” You and your horse deserve better.
6. They lack empathy and behave poorly with people. This often gets explained away as “they’re bad with people but good with horses.” But when a trainer reveals how they are with people, it will ultimately come out with horses. They may not show it in public or all the time, but if they are mean to people, they have problems with empathy over all.
Another disclaimer: This is not the same as “awkward with people.” Some excellent horsemen and women have poor social skills, but they don’t lack empathy. They may put their foot in their mouth, may not be extra friendly, or may not have a great handle on social norms. They spend all their time around horses, so it isn’t entirely surprising.
At a recent session, I asked why there were so many prominent narcissistic personalities enjoying success. My therapist replied: “Narcissism is basically the road map to success in America.”
Our culture values loud, showboating, and extroverted personalities. But when we do, everyone suffers. If your teachers have these tendencies, chances are, no matter how talented they may be, they will hurt your confidence and cause more harm than good.
Read 5 Steps to Getting Back on Track, Amy’s follow-up to this article.
so seen that berating at clinics. One example that stands out for me is when the clinician pair up people to do an activity, omitting some important details on how to ensure success. When almost everyone failed to execute the task he then went up one side and down the other on their lack of ability. I never went back to one of his clinics despite the guru status that some had given him. I was an auditor and sure wasn’t going to pay to have someone insult me.
ps I’ve seen one talented TW mare that was awesome dressage horse ridden by a very talented horsewoman, needless to say she could outwalk anyone else 🙂 But she also said she would put TW down instead of the breed because she knew that would bias people against what they were watching.
Very important materials for us all. Thanks for helping raise the bar.
I have sent my QH cow breed mare to a trainer and she took me on however she has this click, one is a person new to Ranch Horse Versatility and is on her 2nd season and is showing the trainers 3 time Champion in reining and cow work. The other is a man and his 3 kids for whom she picked out their very high dollor horses, she pulls them to show in OK,TX ect. Fast forward to this last week my first show with my mare, I get there as she hauled and I am treated like I don’t exist. I kid you not I made a casserole for that night for All in the group to eat and they all went to the man with the kids LQ and ate and did this the next day for lunch, did not tell my husband and I that they were going just disappeared. Ok so that day I had my cow class with my mare who know is jumpy and I am nervous as she is becoming very quick and I have not been on a cow with her, it was a disaster and for my safety I pulled off the cow. I got reprimanded for that, during this time I was mostly ostersized cause I’m not in this 6 person click my coach and trainer is so attentive too. I truly feel like my trainer/coach shows such favertizim that I do not exist. So that 4 day clinic she took pictures of these 5 riders as the team, not one with me. So the rider riding trainers champion won 3 all arounds Aqha,VRH and Cown and one of the kids one novice youth all around only that was posted, not anything about the other two kids in the group that placed nothing about me and my placings. It was not a good show for me but I did place 6th out of 23 in ranch Pleasure. In fact I was chewed out and I felt very much alone. She seems to only want to cater to her close friends and shows that I am not at there level and a bit lower on her important scale. So mixed up as to what to do, feeling inadequate is no fun. I have riden my whole life and shown but know have a cutting breed mare that I have to learn to ride. I really felt sooo alone at this show with them. My husband cleaned all the stalls while we where showing, not one thank you. No TY for food I brought and they all ate..lol. I am so glad my husband was there or it would have been worse.
I pray you left that toxic environment and found your people! Your experience is all too similar to what I unfortunately endured as a new client and having my first ever horse trainer for breed shows. I eventually left, and at first, I had an emotionally distraught time over processing what and why it got to the point it did but eventually I came to realize it was basically me forcing something that never should have gone on for as long as I allowed it to to “make it work.” In the end, I was only hurting myself and paying big bucks to do so!! Never again will I put up with the shit I did and neither should anyone else that has a trainer who doesn’t value and respect you!