BHP teams with like-minded folks

As we grow, NickerNews and BestHorsePractices are forming partnerships and sponsorships with like-minded companies liberty-300x295and individuals.

Like-minded how?

Read the BestHorsePractices mission statement. You’ll see that we follow a Nature is Best philosophy. We recognize that sustainability and simplicity are essential to horse care and management. The same could be said for our partners and sponsors. They share some of the same philosophies and goals.

Read how Nature is Best helped shape BestHorsePractices.

Whenever possible, we want scientific research to support any claims.

If the proof of the pudding is in the eating, then the proof of the horse training, care, and management is in the doing. The goal of BestHorsePractices is to celebrate like-minded doers and call out those who don’t pass this principle.

Like-minded who?IMG_0049

Here are just some of the folks we partner with and feature:

We hope you find time to check them out and give them a test drive. We think you and your horses will definitely approve.

Posted in General, Reviews and Links.